#2 Landon Saephan
#4 Kaden Truong
#5 William Tucker III
#8 Luther Tucker
#10 D'Shaun Barquet
#11 Tommy Waiters
#14 Shane Galvez
#17 Nathan Carig
#20 Lukas Lutthans
#20 Jo Jo Matautia
Head Coach: Lai Saephan
Assistant Coach: TBA
There is no 7th grade white team for the winter. The next opportunity for the 7th grade white team will be our Spring season tryouts in February 2020.
Head Coach: TBA
Assistant Coach: TBA
1. Pay attention
2. Ask questions
3. Take your time completing work
4. Do more than what is expected
5. Request to sit near the front of class
6. Complete and submit work on-time
7. Read at least 30 minutes each night
STUDENT first, ATHLETE second!
Under construction and will be updated soon.
Under construction and will be updated soon.